101 Business Letter

Complaint Letter For Food Quality In Canteen

complaint letter for food quality in canteen

Below is sample complaint letter for food quality in canteen :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

I want to complain about the poor quality of the food we are getting from the canteen nowadays.

The caterer does not seem to bother whether the food he prepares are of a certain standard. He simply cooks and serves them to us. I suspect that some of the food-poisoning cases we have had in the club may have arose out of consuming contaminated food from the canteen. However, I cannot say for sure unless I investigate further.

I rather not do such investigation for that is not my job. The club is a place for me to relax and enjoy myself. I expect that the management make sure that things are running properly. The poor food we are getting from the canteen is something that has to be corrected. Either get the caterer to improve his food or get someone else to run the canteen. I, for one, will not eat anything from the canteen until the situation is rectified. I am sure the other members feel the same.


Your Name

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