101 Business Letter

Offering Discounts To Customers Letter

offering discounts to customers letter

Below is the sample  informing repair problem and offering discounts to customers letter :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

We were distressed to learn that a faulty connection had resulted in a leakage in your water filtration system and are happy we could adjust this before there was any damage to your facilities. Even though you have had the equipment for six years, there should be no problems of this nature.

When our design engineer inspected the piping circuit, he noted that your use of water has almost doubled since the initial installation. He strongly suggests that you let us add one more holding tank and sub-filter to accommodate this increased flow.

Because you are a valued customer, we can give you a 20% discount on the upgrading cost.


Your Name

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