101 Business Letter

Termination Letter To Employee For Poor Performance

termination letter to employee for poor performance

How do I write a termination letter to an employee? This is the sample termination letter to employee for poor performance :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

Following our conversation earlier this week I regret to inform you that your services with the Company will not be required with effect from 31 July 2xxx.

As you know there have been a number of occasions recently when I have had to point out the unsatisfactory quality of your work. Together with your persistent unpunctual in spite of several warnings, this has led me to believe that you will perhaps be more successful in a different kind of work.

I hope you will be successful in finding suitable employment elsewhere. If another employer should wish you to start work before the end of the month, arrangements can be made for you to be released immediately.


Your Name

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