Letter To Supplier For Returning Wrong Goods

Below is sample letter to supplier for returning wrong goods :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

We received the goods you sent us via lorry transport (d/o 12345) yesterday. When we checked the goods, we found that you have sent us some wrong goods.

If you would check our order (No.1234), we had asked for 3 dozen cans of A1 Tomato paste. Instead you sent us 3 dozen bottles of A1Tomato sauce.

We have ample stock of Tomato sauce but urgently need the Tomato paste. So we are returning the Tomato sauce to you. Could you send us the Tomato paste as soon as possible? Please give us a c/n for the wrong goods.

Thank you.


Your Name

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