Condolence Letter For The Death Of A Business Friend

How do you express condolences in a business letter? This is the professional condolence letter for the death of a business friend :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

It was such a long, long battle, and I don’t know anyone who showed more gift and determination than Warren or courage on your part. We all had tremendous admiration and respect for Warren during his illness, right from the time he first wrote us to explain what was happening.

It is comforting to you, I’m sure, to have such great support from family and friends, near and far. And there is little I can say to provide any greater degree of comfort. But it might be of value to you to know that Warren has been a great inspiration. At times – fortunately not too many – when we have had setbacks or I have felt depressed about one thing or another, I have often thought about Warren. How would he have handled such problems? Certainly with more fortitude and faith and optimism than I have been displaying. And it will always be thus, as long as I have the mental capacity to think clearly. And for that, I am eternally grateful to Warren – and to all of you who have lived with your problems so graciously and devotedly over the years.

For these things I am thankful, and I feel that Warren’s memory keeps him alive in many thoughts besides mine.


Your Name

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