Letter Stimulating Sales With A Giveaway

Below is sample letter stimulating sales with a giveaway :

Your Name
Company Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Recipient Name
Organization Name
Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code

Dear Recipient Name:

As you may recall, we like to commemorate birthdays – just for fun – by tying in the corporate with the personal in our usual gimmicky fashion. Your birthday, August 02, is just 96 days away from the company’s anniversary on November 06. Therefore, you are eligible to receive 96 jars of Mrs. Jack’s Juicy Jams, compliments of the house.

They will reach you on November 06, suitably boxed in cartons of six, colorfully assorted and tied with rainbow ribbons. Nice little gifts for Christmas. Or eat them all up yourself.

Happy Birthday!


Your Name

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